Want to stretch your flower budget?  All those flower pots, flower boxes and flower beds add up!  Here are the 17 best budget saving flower garden tips for more flowers with less dollars.

3) Pre-planted hanging baskets on special? 2 baskets split can save over individual plants.

Save on the Plants

5) Use starts from perennial grpundcover instead of annual "spillers" in pots

Scribbled Arrow
Scribbled Arrow

Save With Planning and Knowledge:

9) Know what your neighbor-hood  critters can't resist. Don't trust the labels!

10) Find a local garden club or friendly neighborhood gardeners and swap seeds and starts

Save on the Gardening Extras

11) Shop yard sales, thrift stores for unique garden pots and decor

13) DIY your potting mix: Saves lots of $ Easy to do Environmentally friendly

16) Use DIY Compost

17) Use DIY Fertilizer

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