Transform old stair spindles into a genius luggage rack that folds up, but can also double as a tray stand!

Perfect for repurposing castoff stair spindles or thrifted finds.

Spindle Surprise!

Miter saw, drill and bits, a hammer and tacks are all the required tools needed.

Four spindles  8 ft. 1 x 2 3 yds of webbing Binding screws are the bulk of it.

Prep the Sprindles

Cut the tops at an angle

Drill  Holes

Refinish or Paint

Limitless Options!

Binding screws are the answer to it all!

Legs Assembled

Pick Your Style:

Straps For the Win!

Leather? Color?

Designed for Optimal Functionality

And Multi-Functionality

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I'm Diane

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 I'm all in on joy-filled living through creative thinking & doing. - crafting - do-able DIY's. - decorating - entertaining