Why shouldn't your pet's "table" be just as bright and fresh as the rest of the kitchen?

Spring Spruce Up:

Is your dog's feeding area looking a little... dull?

Get creative with this fun and easy DIY project:  A decoupage dog bowl placemat!

– Blank placemat (see blog post for details) – Mod Podge  – Paper Napkins – Scissors – Paintbrush

What you'll need:

Step 1: Separate the top layer of napkin – Step 2: Cut out desired design

Let's Get Crafting:

Let's Get Crafting:

- Step 3: Apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to the desired area of mat.. – Step 4: Carefully place your cutout  smooth out any air bubbles.

Let's Get Crafting:

- Step 5:  Trim any excess napkin along edge – Step 6: Seal and let dry

Show Off Your Masterpiece!  Admire How it Brightens Your kitchen or Mudroom,

More Details And Pro Tips  Are in the  Blog Post

Here's a Chinoiserie Inspired Pet Mat You Might Enjoy!

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I'm Diane

Please join me at  SouthHouseDesigns.com

 I'm all in on joy-filled living through creative thinking & doing. - crafting - do-able DIY's. - decorating - entertaining