For those gifted with the DIY or crafty gene, this article is not for you. You instinctively know this.

But if you are one of those constantly declaring “I don’t have a crafty bone in my body”.

Read on!


This is a super simple technique – woops, “technique” is much too strong a term; let’s call it “method” – for getting the ends of any ribbon, for any project, just right.

1) Simple Diagonal

Lay two ends on top each other, cut through both at approximately 45% angle.
This way both ends are the same.
If you’re really picky about that 45% angle bit, but don’t trust yourself eyeballing it, here’s how you can still get it. Much easier than digging out the old compass, protractor or quilter’s ruler, right?
Fold one end over itself perpendicularly.
Cut along fold for a perfect 45° angle. Repeat for other end, or lay this cut end on top of the other and use it as a guide.


2) Single Point

Fold end of ribbon in half lengthwise. Hold with fold at the BOTTOM, closest to you.

Cut at desired angle.
Hint: If you’re picky about the angles being the same on both ends, either hold the two folded ends on top of each other and cut at once. Or, cut one then lay it on top of the second folded one and use it as your guide.


3) Double Point – or Nautical Flag Style

(or if you have pre-teens running in your world, you might relate more to “Vampire Fang Style”)

Fold end of ribbon in half lengthwise.  Hold with fold at the TOP, away from you.
Cut at desired angle.
Look at that – perfect end points, again!
Hint: Again, if you’re picky about the angles being the same on both ends, either hold the two folded ends on top of each other and cut at once. Or, cut one then lay it on top of the other folded one and use it as your guide


If you’re a crafting novice, I hope this helped you gain a bit of confidence. I hope with every extra smidgeon of confidence, you will be more inclined to try you hand at creating, celebrate the end results and take joy in the process.



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