The Blog-
Are you looking for a the most amazing Christmas stockings?
Stockings that are individually unique, yet cohesive and together make a cohesive family?
Welcome! You’ve come to the right spot.
And your timing is perfect!
I have just the stocking set you want at a great price — in fact the first time ever our stockings have been on sale!
This is a very limited sale and won’t last long.

Stocking the Pantry has evolved over the years. It started in 2010, when my Christmas stockings started to become “a thing”. I decided they needed to give goodness as well as goodies. Each stocking = $2.50 donated to feed the hungry via our local Feed America food pantry. And Jane, who creates all the gorgeous nametags I show in my photography donates .50 per name tag!!!
Stocking The Pantry 2024: 7,800 Meals
WE DID IT!!! We crossed over the 200,000 meal mark (by 156 meals)
BLOG: Explore + Learn
I think; therefore I am.
I think creatively; therefore I am joyful.